The Ultimate Motorcycle Pre-Trip Checklist
Every time you get ready to hit the road on your motorcycle, it’s critical that both you and your bike are prepared for the trip ahead. Whether you’re gearing up for a cross-country adventure or simply cruising on the back roads, our team at Boise Indian® Triumph® has put together the ultimate pre-trip checklist to help make your ride a successful one!
1. Check Your Tires and Wheels
The tires on your bike help it maintain proper contact with the road, meaning correct inflation is essential for the best ride. If your tires have too much air, you’ll actually lose available traction, but with too little air, the bike becomes too heavy for the tires to carry. You should keep a tire pressure gauge with you and measure the pressure each time before you ride. Measuring them while cold will give you the most accurate reading!
You should also consistently measure your tread levels. Similar to air pressure, insufficient tread on your tires will cause issues maintaining traction on the road. Plus, you want to see equal wear distributed between the front and rear tire. If you notice that one wears more quickly than the other, you may have a weight distribution problem that needs to be addressed.
Use your owner’s manual to check exact levels for both your air pressure and tread depth for your specific model.
2. Check The Brakes, Clutch, and Throttle
It’s easy to perform a visible inspection of the discs on your brakes. You want to make sure they are shiny and clear with no grooves or marks, and you should be able to easily use the brake handles without too much resistance.
You can only check these elements while in motion, so use a safe area, like your neighborhood, to slowly ride around for an inspection. As you test your brakes, clutch, and throttle, feel for unusual vibrations or grinding, and listen for any squealing. Make sure you can quickly and easily shift gears, idle normally, and smoothly operate the clutch.
3. Service Your Bike
Whether you’re confident in providing essential maintenance yourself or need to schedule an appointment with us, you should keep a consistent servicing schedule for your motorcycle. This includes routine oil changes, fluid checks, and parts care.
Before every ride, check that all chains, cables, and bolts are secured. If you are unsure of the correct tightness, contact your mechanic or consult your manual. You should also frequently check your oil, brake fluid, and coolant levels to experience the best performance. This will also help you identify any unwanted leaks or problems.
4. Test Your Lights
A broken light can wreak havoc on your journey. Your headlights and taillights are your main visibility to other drivers, so having dull or dead lights can cause dangerous situations. Make sure to check your lights before you hit the road.
5. Wear Proper-Fitting Gear
The last item on the list involves your riding gear. What you wear while riding can contribute as much to safety as the bike itself, so take time to inspect your gear and make sure it all still fits you correctly!
There’s little more exciting than preparing for a great motorcycle ride. We hope this list will help you gear up for a safe and enjoyable trip! Our team would love to see you in Meridian, ID. We have a top-tier parts and service department and proudly serve the Boise and Nampa areas.